Access the Ascension Meditation Space!


Receive a Complimentary 30-Day Pass to the

Meditation Sanctuary!

A Complimentary Experience Like No Other....

We wanted to create something magical, spectacular & so soothing that it will feel as though you are physically with us, at a Meditation Retreat Centre!

Walk through the "space", choose your room, receive the resources that are most aligned for you during our time together.

Day 1

Walk around the space....choose a room by intuitive guidance! Do the practice in that room!

Day 2

Return to the space and choose a new room and new practice!

Day 3

Pop into the space and enter a new room....and really be present with that practice!


Are Meant to Thrive!

This is your opportunity to recharge, renew and re-imagine the next evolution of your wonderfully thriving life, family and "work" in the world! At Ascension Academy of Light - Ascension Meditation Space, we know firsthand the importance of inner harmony for outer sustainability (health, wealth, relationships, and business flow). Because of this, we created this nourishing Meditation Experience for you! With a full internal cup and harmonized nervous system, you will feel inspired, fulfilled, creative, and full of energy, and perhaps inspire those in your life!

Day 4

Receive tips on creating a thriving life, family and business!

Day 5 

Remember....each day you show up for the greatest expression of you...YOU THRIVE!

Day 6

Let's meditate together. Experience a really POWERFUL, transformative meditation live.

Day 7

Discover how to easily build meditation into business, life, family and daily practice without ever feeling bored or frustrated.


Transformed our entire family dynamic!

"I have healed my relationships & upped my intuition! My marriage was hanging on by a thread. I was fighting with my kids. It felt like my life was an actual battleground. Relationship mastery allowed me to shift my perspective of my children & partner, allowing me to see them & myself as we should be.

Andrea D


.....At the end of the day feeling so fulfilled by the powerful work that you accomplished....Knowing you made a HUGE impact.....

You put your feet up, take a deep breath, and reflect on the day. You have time and energy for your family, are amazed by the transformation you / your team / your clients experienced with such ease.....and you feel nourished, filled up and energized by the alignment and light that was flowing through you all day!

You get to Thrive!

Your nervous system is harmonized.

You feel deeply connected within & to The Divine.

What Can You Gain From This Experience?

  • Elevated Leadership Presence. Lead with integrity & purpose.
  • Increased Decision-Making Abilities & Resilience Building.
  • Create a culture of innovation & growth that propels everyone towards success.
  • Lead with Intuition & Higher Self Guidance.
  • Tap into your inner wisdom to instill trust & confidence in your team & clients, elevating your leadership to new heights.
  • Stress Reduction & Nervous System regulation. Increased Emotional Navigation.
  • Radiate a magnetic presence that enhances manifestation.
  • Enhanced Focus, Clarity & Productivity..
  • Clarity of thought & intuition, empowering you to make decisions aligned with your vision & highest intentions.
  • Enter a sanctuary of calm amidst chaos, allowing you to effectively neutralize pressure, even the most demanding situations.


For the first time in my life, I know why I'm here!

"I am absolutely living my soul purpose. I've re-discovered my divine connection. Joy & gratitude are big parts of my life now. I'm living my soul's purpose in my thoughts, actions & my words daily. It plays out in many ways - how I schedule my time, how I treat myself & others, the work I choose to do (paid or otherwise), the activities I find meaningful & the activities I've let fall away." 

Kelly-Anne V


We are the Co-founders of the Ascension Academy of Light - A Global Centre that specializes in Meditation Certification, Manifestation and Co-Creation Mastery, Intuition Expansion, Healing and Transformation, Higher Self Living, Spiritual Ascension and Soul Purpose Embodiment! We have supported thousands of clients to create thriving, aligned and purpose-led lives consciously!

We've worked with over 12,000 clients one-to-one since 2002 - as Intuitive Healers, Soul Coaches and Spiritual Mentors. We are published authors, entrepreneurs, and co-creators of The Rising Consciousness Podcast and have been meditating since we were really young! We have spoken on large stages worldwide with fellow Light Leaders like Rev. Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff!

After creating five successful brick-and-mortar and online businesses, we realize it's not just a great strategy that makes it all work. You need Spirit (a solid spiritual practice and connection to the Divine); a Soul-Spark that guides you through it all; Bravery and willingness to keep going no matter what; and internal energetics, mindset and emotional capacity to hold and create it all!

We LOVE sharing our expertise and lived experience! So that others can ignite their inner light and shine as powerfully as Source itself!


First feeling is the one of finding your tribe!

"My third eye reopened after blocking it myself for such a long time, no more & light. Discovering my capabilities & trusting in my ability to help others & do what I'm here to do. Now it's open & I'm not scared." 

Marta C

Love from past workshop participants.....

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